~ Tickle your brain cells! ~


PathPix Year
Want LOTS of new PathPix puzzles to play? PathPix Year has 365 puzzles, one for each day of the year. Celebrate the seasons, enjoy the holidays, find quirky quotes - a million squares to solve. 12 full months of puzzles with a wide variety of puzzle sizes, shapes, and difficulty levels. |


PathPix Brain
Looking for a challenge? 180 tough puzzles will give your brain a workout! Full range of sizes, from tricky little gems to herculean tasks. Not for the faint of heart, and definitely not for beginners. |


PathPix Cats
Love cats? Purr as you play! 125 GIANT puzzles showcase these wonderful pets, beloved from ancient to modern times. Catnip for PathPix players! |


PathPix Wild
Love to explore? PathPix Wild will keep you wandering in a wilderness of paths for a LONG time! 150 GIANT puzzles offer Easy, Medium and Hard areas in every puzzle. All kinds of wild - not just wild animals. |


PathPix Edge
Live life on the Edge - the PathPix Edge! 180 puzzles in funny shapes and sizes. |


PathPix Art
Great art -- 150 giant puzzles -- MAXimum fun! PathPix Art has it all! |


SpellPix Pro
Tough words and beautiful art
come together to bring you 231 word search
puzzles on PathPix-style paths that will
challenge your puzzling skills and vocabulary
at every turn.


PrismaPix Gold
Tons of new puzzles! Mini Packs, Max Packs, Variety Packs, Themed Packs. |